1. |
Steampunk Tower Steampunk Tower Defence game with unique mechanics!
SteampunkTower.exe 767.63 KB
(786 056 bytes) 
File location: http://www.alawar.com
Added: 06/08/2016
| Downloaded: 29/08/2017
Total downloads: 0 |
2. |
Queen's Quest: Tower of Darkness. Platinum Edition Find the objects, solve the puzzles, crack the case!
QueensQuestTowerofDarknessCollectorsEdition.exe 782.80 KB
(801 592 bytes) 
File location: http://www.alawar.com
Added: 04/04/2016
| Downloaded: 02/08/2016
Total downloads: 0 |
3. |
Steampunk Tower Steampunk Tower Defence game with unique mechanics!
SteampunkTower.exe 31.10 MB
(32 610 713 bytes) 
File location: http://us2.mirror.alawar.com
Added: 05/06/2016
| Downloaded: 05/06/2016
Total downloads: 0 |
4. |
Queen's Quest: Tower of Darkness. Platinum Edition Find the objects, solve the puzzles, crack the case!
QueensQuestTowerofDarknessCollectorsEdition.exe 887.15 MB
(930 244 198 bytes) 
File location: http://us2.mirror.alawar.com
Added: 29/12/2015
| Downloaded: 29/12/2015
Total downloads: 0 |
5. |
The Other Side: Tower of Souls Resolve a family squabble before the gates to the realm of the dead swing open!
TheOtherSideTowerofSouls.exe 713.84 MB
(748 515 491 bytes) 
File location: http://us2.mirror.alawar.com
Added: 05/07/2014
| Downloaded: 05/07/2014
Total downloads: 0 |
6. |
Monument Builders: Eiffel Tower Build the famous Eiffel Tower in time for the World Expo!
MonumentBuildersEiffelTower.exe 87.04 MB
(91 268 055 bytes) 
File location: http://us2.mirror.alawar.com
Added: 26/10/2013
| Downloaded: 26/10/2013
Total downloads: 0 |
7. |
Zodiac Tower Zodiac Tower introduces a new kind of match-three challenge to casual gamers!
ZodiacTower.exe 16.20 MB
(16 988 968 bytes) 
File location: http://eq03.mirror.alawar.com
Added: 14/05/2011
| Downloaded: 20/09/2013
Total downloads: 0 |
8. |
A Gypsy's Tale: The Tower of Secrets Navigate a strange maze and solve the mystery of a cursed tower!
AGypsysTaleTheTowerofSecrets.exe 52.02 MB
(54 545 400 bytes) 
File location: http://eq02.mirror.alawar.com
Added: 08/02/2011
| Downloaded: 07/09/2013
Total downloads: 0 |
9. |
Zodiac Tower Zodiac Tower introduces a new kind of match-three challenge to casual gamers!
ZodiacTower.exe 18.92 MB
(19 840 224 bytes) 
File location: http://eq02.mirror.alawar.com
Added: 14/05/2011
| Downloaded: 12/01/2013
Total downloads: 0 |
10. |
Zodiac Tower Zodiac Tower introduces a new kind of match-three challenge to casual gamers!
ZodiacTower.exe 15.35 MB
(16 095 112 bytes) 
File location: http://us3.mirror.alawar.com
Added: 30/07/2010
| Downloaded: 23/08/2010
Total downloads: 0 |