1. |
BearShare Turbo Accelerator 7.6.0 BearShare Turbo Accelerator is an add-on for people who use BearShare P2P file sharing utility to download music, movies, books and any other files. It provides extra functionality and features to enhance download experience of BearShare applicati...
BearShareTurboAccelerator_installer.exe 756.30 KB
(774 449 bytes) 
File location: http://www.webspeeders.com
Added: 28/11/2006
| Downloaded: 17/09/2016
Total downloads: 0 |
2. |
BearShare Ultra Accelerator 7.4.0 BearShare Ultra Accelerator is an add-on application for BearShare that automatically speeds up the download process and finds the files you want with far more power than regular searches.It automatically searches for more sources to ensure 100% b...
bearshare_ultra_accelerator_free.exe 738.47 KB
(756 192 bytes) 
File location: http://www.trafficspeeders.com
Added: 07/03/2007
| Downloaded: 14/09/2013
Total downloads: 0 |
3. |
BearShare Acceleration Patch 6.1.0 BearShare Acceleration Patch is an add-on for people who use BearShare P2P file sharing utility to download music, movies, books and any other files. It provides extra functionality and features to enhance download experience of BearShare applicat...
BearShareAccelerationPatch_installer.exe 1.96 MB
(2 052 984 bytes) 
File location: http://www.download-boosters.com
Added: 03/11/2006
| Downloaded: 01/09/2013
Total downloads: 0 |
4. |
BearShare Turbo 7.1.0 BearShare Turbo is a free P2P file sharing tool that enables you to search for, download, and share MP3, MPEG, AVI, ASF, MOV, JPEG, GIF, and all other file types with everyone on the global Gnutella peer-to-peer information network. It features sl...
bearshare_turbo_free.exe 10.44 MB
(10 944 776 bytes) 
File location: http://www.sharingzone.com
Added: 03/03/2007
| Downloaded: 03/06/2012
Total downloads: 0 |
Results page: 1 |
Total found: 4
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