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Quick View Folder Size 3.0 When you want to know the size of the folder, you have to right click on the folder name and have to choose the properties one by one. Now you can view folder size rapidly and automatically, use Quick View Folder Size. quick-view-folder-size.exe 466.66 KB
(477 861 bytes) File location: Added: 11/08/2008| Downloaded: 28/04/2012Total downloads: 66
Folder Marker - Changes Folder Icons 1.4 Folder Marker is one of those little utilities that once you have it you wonder how you ever did with out it. It lets you mark your Windows Explorer folders in a couple of different ways, either using the context menu (right click) or by starting ... FolderMarkerSetup.exe 4.34 MB
(4 550 888 bytes) File location: Added: 23/10/2006| Downloaded: 24/02/2017Total downloads: 1
Folder Lock 7.7.6 Folder Lock is a file locking software that lets you encrypt files and create a real-time back-up of the encrypted files on the cloud. It lets you protect portable devices like USB drives, Flash disks, shreds unwanted files, creates digital wallet... folder-lock-en.exe 9.03 MB
(9 464 672 bytes) File location: Added: 01/01/2015| Downloaded: 16/02/2025Total downloads: 0
Folder Marker Pro - Changes Folder Icons 4.2 Folder Marker Pro is your smart assistant, an ardent fighter for your convenience and benefit. This handy shell extension is especially designed for office work. It lets you mark important folders with color-coded or image-coded icons in order to ... FolderMarker_Pro.exe 32.79 MB
(34 383 072 bytes) File location: Added: 28/01/2007| Downloaded: 12/03/2024Total downloads: 0
Free Hide Folder 3.5 Most everyone has files or folders on their computer that they do not want to share with others. The best way to protect your personal information is to make the folders visible ONLY to you. Free Hide Folder is a free computer security software to... FHFSetup.exe 875.97 KB
(896 995 bytes) File location: Added: 19/12/2006| Downloaded: 17/01/2021Total downloads: 0