Ares Galaxy Turbo Booster 7.7.0 Ares Galaxy Turbo Booster(AGTB) is a powerful acceleration plugin for Ares file sharing program. State of the art software technology used by AGTB generates dramatically decreases of downloading time. The addon consumes very low resources from you... AresGalaxyTurboBooster_installer.exe 1.94 MB
(2 038 584 bytes) File location: Added: 07/11/2006| Downloaded: 01/10/2013Total downloads: 0
BearShare Acceleration Patch 6.1.0 BearShare Acceleration Patch is an add-on for people who use BearShare P2P file sharing utility to download music, movies, books and any other files. It provides extra functionality and features to enhance download experience of BearShare applicat... BearShareAccelerationPatch_installer.exe 1.96 MB
(2 052 984 bytes) File location: Added: 03/11/2006| Downloaded: 01/09/2013Total downloads: 0