11. |
Magic Photo Editor 7.5 Magic Photo is a photo editor With Magic Photo, you can easily blend your digital photo onto another image (a beautiful landscape image etc) to create special effect. It makes your photo interesting and pretty. The features include: 1) There are 1...
magicphotom.exe 4.82 MB
(5 054 777 bytes) 
File location: http://www.picget.net
Added: 22/12/2006
| Downloaded: 10/08/2022
Total downloads: 0 |
12. |
David T. Zabecki (editor) - The German War Machine in ...pdf 20.38 MB
(21 371 149 bytes) 
File location:
Added: 07/01/2022
| Downloaded: 07/01/2022
Total downloads: 0 |
13. |
Shaun Gallagher (editor), Jonathan Shear (editor) - Mo...pdf 5.35 MB
(5 607 698 bytes) 
File location:
Added: 13/12/2021
| Downloaded: 13/12/2021
Total downloads: 0 |
14. |
Master.PDF.Editor.5.6.80.rar 44.44 MB
(46 596 745 bytes) 
File location: http://share724.com
Added: 27/12/2020
| Downloaded: 24/03/2021
Total downloads: 0 |
15. |
DzSoft PHP Editor DzSoft PHP Editor is a handy and powerful tool for writing and testing PHP scripts and HTML/XML pages. Being designed specifically for PHP development, it has a friendly, but powerful interface that is comfortable both for beginners and experience...
dzphp41.exe 3.42 MB
(3 586 936 bytes) 
File location: http://www.dzsoft.com
Added: 24/10/2007
| Downloaded: 17/01/2021
Total downloads: 0 |
16. |
Master.PDF.Editor.5.6.42.rar 44.40 MB
(46 553 473 bytes) 
File location: http://share724.com
Added: 13/10/2020
| Downloaded: 23/11/2020
Total downloads: 0 |
17. |
Dynamic HTML Editor 4.0 Dynamic HTML Editor is a powerful HTML Editor that permits you to create your site in a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) environment using both CSS or tabled layouts. Dynamic HTML Editor's design emphasizes simplicity and ease of use. You'll...
DhweTrial.zip 18.64 MB
(19 548 091 bytes) 
File location: http://www.hexagora.com
Added: 01/10/2009
| Downloaded: 18/11/2020
Total downloads: 0 |
18. |
Photo Pos Pro photo editor 1.90.5 Photo Pos Pro photo editor is the best totally free Photo Editor and Image Editor (free Photo editing and Image editing software). The software allows you easily create, edit, enhance, print, and manipulate your digital photos and computer graphic...
PhotoPosPro_Setup.exe 46.71 MB
(48 982 144 bytes) 
File location: http://www.photopos.com
Added: 17/10/2006
| Downloaded: 17/03/2020
Total downloads: 0 |
19. |
PDF-XChange_Editor_Plus_8.0.334.0_x64_Downloadly.ir.rar 167.71 MB
(175 851 530 bytes) 
File location: http://dl3.downloadly.ir
Added: 11/11/2019
| Downloaded: 17/12/2019
Total downloads: 0 |
20. |
Magic Music Editor Magic Music Editor can open, create, and save audio files in any of the supported formats; display audio data waveform (Zoom Full, Zoom In, Zoom Out, Zoom Vertical); record audio data from a microphone or any other available input device (You can ...
Magic-Music-Editor-Installer.exe 12.28 MB
(12 878 480 bytes) 
File location: http://www.video-convert-master.com
Added: 11/12/2006
| Downloaded: 01/11/2018
Total downloads: 0 |