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WinFtp Server 2.4.0 WinFtp Server is extremely simple and powerful FTP server to install and manage.It is a professional Windows FTP Server featuring speed, reliability and customization.Its main assets are advanced security(SSL 128 bits) connection, ratio disk quota... WinFtpServer.exe 6.43 MB
(6 739 128 bytes) File location: Added: 17/01/2007| Downloaded: 20/01/2011Total downloads: 7
GFI Network Server Monitor 7 GFI Network Server Monitor automatically monitors the network & servers for failures. It allows you to identify issues and fix unexpected conditions before your users (or managers) report them to you! Alerts can be sent by email, pager or SMS, for... networkservermonitor7.exe 13.46 MB
(14 111 016 bytes) File location: Added: 01/12/2008| Downloaded: 22/07/2011Total downloads: 3