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Virtual Personality Virtual Personality 5.01 Add file to the favorites

Category: Programs
Directory - Programs - V - VP
 File name: vpersonality.exe Find similar »
 Size: 1 721 852 bytes (1.64 MB)
 Added: 12/05/2010 | Downloaded: 19/10/2013
 78 total downloads »
Look at screenshot of Virtual PersonalityA professional telephone - internet voice changer voice changer utility. High quality natural voice. Pitch and frequency independent controls. Works with your PC speakers as well as over a telephone line or with internet applications like Skype and Yahoo messengers. Works with the PC speakers as well as over a telephone line with a standard modem. Doesn't need any special hardware for telephony. Voice file manipulations. Supports Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/Xp/2003/Vista. You speak into the PC microphone and the new voice is heard on your computer speakers or on the telephone at the other end of the line. Ideal for private investigators and for businesses or individuals that wish to filter crank calls. Supports dubbing automation. Supports 24 individual voices recording. No one will recognize you ,not even your own mother. You can cause your voice to mimic any from a cast of 24 different personalities, representing voice sources of boys, girls, men or women. Each of the 24 personality-icons on the screen can be linked to a different name and/or voice, simply by a mouse click.
You speak into the PC microphone, and your natural voice is digitally sampled by the multimedia components already installed in your PC. It is then modified by a sophisticated algorithm inside Virtual Personality, and applied to the PC's speakers output for real-time use. Alternatively, it can be recorded using an average tape recorder, or transmitted by your modem for use across the telephone network. Its voice sounds very natural. If you are familiar with voice changers, you will unequivocally identify yourself Virtual Personality's superior voice quality compared to all the others. If you haven't encountered them, you can compare it to the one heard on TV, when attempting to disguise someone's voice. Although the latter costs several thousand dollars, its performance certainly does not surpass that of Virtual Personality.
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Changes in the last version:
Picth and equalizer controls, Internet,mobile support in addition to telephone - Skype Yahoo messengers etc. Voice recording, manipulation, combining and effects. Telephone recorder.

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