AutoRun Architect 3.01 
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autorunarchitect.exe Find similar
Size: 9 984 511 bytes
(9.52 MB)
Added: 22/02/2008
| Downloaded: 01/12/2011
Updated: 01/12/2011 |
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Quickly and easily create professional AutoRun menus for your CD/DVDs. Create menus using ready made graphics or use your own. You can launch files; install software; display a license agreement; display a splash screen and/or sound; open websites; send e-mail and secure the contents of the CD. Includes a help manual, technical support and powerful wizards. Test your AutoRun as you build and burn finished projects. Create, build, test and burn your project from with AutoRun Architect.
Automatically install viewer software to ensure that your document will open on your end-user's computers. You can manage multiple AutoRun projects from within the program. You can also customize the icon for the CD and secure the contents of the CD. AutoRun Architect runs on all Windows versions and fully supports all versions of Microsoft Windows including Vista. Detailed description »
Changes in the last version:
Major Upgrade including: - Full AutoRun Menu support including ready made graphics - Integrated burning of final CD/DVD - Automatic addition of standard viewer installation to be sure the end user will be able to view your document - Many new actions and many more new or improved features.
File location: http://www.autorunarchitect.com
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