Asmw PC-Optimizer pro 7.7 
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File name:
asmwpcoptimizer77.exe Find similar
Size: 6 409 727 bytes
(6.11 MB)
Added: 13/10/2006
| Downloaded: 07/06/2013
235 total downloads »
Asmw PC-Optimizer pro is a collection of over 30 system-maintenance and optimization utility to tune up windows performance. Remove junk files and zero size files to save valuable disk space; Registry Cleaner, to prevent application crashes;backup and restore backup; popup killer; Startup Manager, to prevent spy applications from running behind your back; erase your navigation tracks to ensure your privacy, available more than 30 ready plug-ins for erasing the history of those applications and get free plug-in maker; find and fix or remove broken windows shortcuts; Uninstaller manager, to uninstall applications correctly; Tweak and customize almost over 110 undocumented settings in Windows 9x-Xp; Disk Analysis, for analyzing your hard disk; Secure shredder, to delete files permanently; Use Internet connection Booster, to Speed up your Internet connection by up to 300%; Scan Drive(S) For zero size (empty) folders; automatic memory recovery tool; Track and report on changes made to your Folders when installing programs; Powerful disk catalog; website address organizer; address book organizer; view and remove fonts; Securely encrypt decrypt files; One-step PC Maintenance Wizard; Schedule system maintenance to take place unattended; executable files and folder lock; menu guard; IP Spam Messages Blocker, system information and much more… Your computer will be stabile and run applications more smoothly. It is fast, easy, safe, and powerful. Detailed description »
Changes in the last version:
System Information Tool added
File location: http://www.asmwsoft.com
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