Avira AntiVir Windows Server 8 
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File name:
antivir_server_2k3_en.exe Find similar
Size: 22 754 440 bytes
(21.70 MB)
Added: 26/10/2008
| Downloaded: 20/06/2013
Updated: 28/11/2008 |
174 total downloads »
Avira AntiVir for Windows Server is a first-class antivirus solution, ensuring permanent protection for Windows file servers users against malicious programs.
- Extensive Malware Recognition: aside from viruses, Trojans, backdoor programs, worms, etc., it detects Adware & Spyware, double extension files and unusual runtime compression tools; - Solid antivirus technologies: multi-platform, VB100% certified scan engine; - Low usage of computer resources; - Modular structure: allows remote configuration, thus assisting the server admin's work while keeping network users perfectly protected; - Professional services: the Avira license entitles you to virus definitions updates and product upgrades, access to documentation, as well as standard technical support, offered by a team of skilled professionals; - Fully compatible with operating systems running from Windows NT server (4.0 version or higher) to Windows Server 2003, it provides a wide variety of configuration settings designed to increase your network security; - Avira Resident Service runs silently in the background, monitoring all file operations. When the user performs a file operation (e.g. launching a program, opening a document), this is automatically scanned against viruses and unwanted programs; - The Control Program is a special interface, designed to configure and monitor the Resident Service. As such, it offers the possibility to manage several Resident Services installed on different servers in the network.
NEW: AntiVir Engine (AVE2) which is up to 20 % faster than the previous one.
Limitations:The Installation Kit comes fully featured but update service (FUSE) is disabled. To enable updates you may automatically request an evaluation key for a 30-days period from here: http://www.avira.com/en/products/test_licence.html - To further benefit of update service (FUSE) you may acquire the appropriate commercial license (http://www.avira.com/en/products/online_shop.html) Detailed description »
Changes in the last version:
Minor Update
File location: http://dl.antivir.de
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