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AltDesk AltDesk 1.8 Add file to the favorites

Category: Programs
Directory - Programs - A - AL
 File name: altdesk18.exe Find similar »
 Size: 1 010 913 bytes (987.22 KB)
 Added: 12/03/2007 | Downloaded: 23/01/2013
 184 total downloads »
Look at screenshot of AltDeskModern computers' power is enough to let you run numerous applications at the same time. You can surf the Internet, listen to the music and chat with your friends at the same time, but the more tasks you launch, the harder it gets to manage them. That's when you might start thinking of getting the second monitor. AltDesk gives you a better choice. It creates several Virtual Desktops you can easily switch. Switching from an office application to your favorite Internet browser can be done in a blink of an eye without maximizing and minimizing numerous windows manually or switching them by means of the Taskbar. With AltDesk you can create as many Virtual Desktops as you want and switch them with ease. You don't even need to remember, where you've put a certain application's window as its icon is displayed by AltDesk. You can also easily swap tasks between Desktops, using Drag and Drop.
A brief list of AltDesk features includes:

* Easy task managing
* Simple, user-friendly interface, translated into more than 40 languages
* Little resource consumption
* Hotkeys for any actions
* Skins for changing the program's appearance
* Reliablity: even in case of a failure you'll be able to recover the lost application's window.
* Numerous advanced features, like setting unique wallpapers for each Virtual Desktop, sticky apps, autorun and so on.

We made AltDesk for ourselves and we did our best to turn it into the world's best Virtual Desktop manager. We were the first to bring Windows users numerous features they missed. Now many competing products just clone AltDesk: isn't it a proof of its superiority?

This version of AltDesk features even more improvements in speed, stability and
usability and we're sure you won't be disappointed by it.
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Changes in the last version:
+ New "Add to sticky apps" option is added to the context menu.
+ Desktop switching speed is significantly increased
* Lots of bugfixes

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