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MX Skype Recorder MX Skype Recorder 3.9.2 Add file to the favorites

Category: Programs
Directory - Programs - M - MX
 File name: MXSkypeRecSetup.exe Find similar »
 Size: 591 696 bytes (577.83 KB)
 Added: 17/03/2008 | Downloaded: 04/11/2012
 Updated: 27/08/2012
 168 total downloads »
Look at screenshot of MX Skype RecorderMX Skype Recorder is a tool that works in conjunction with Skype (and with other VoIP applications) for recording calls. It has the following advantages: can work in automatic or manual mode, automatically compressing to MP3/WMA formats, can save recordings as WAV PCM format, records conversations either in single or dual audio track, can work with PC-to-PC, PC-to-phone as well as Skypecast conversations, all versions of Skype supported, Google talk, Yahoo Messenger and other VoIP applications, user-friendly interface, etc.

User opinions:

"Installation very easy, help accessible from display, minimizes okay on my laptop. Can record automatically or not with other options Have not used it for longer than 2 hours phone call but default setting gives excellent quality recordings in mp3. It works well, efficiently without frills but with all that I need to reliably record skype calls for voip"

"The MX Skype recorder is a easy to use recorder. Its not complex. Its simple, small, and easy to use. What I like most about this is the sound qulity. I recorded a hour and a half conversation, and it worked perfectly. After recording, the MX Skype Recorder quickly downloads it into mp3 format. This recorder is extreamly user friendly, small, with some great sound qulity. This is probably the best you'll get when it comes to recorders. You see is what you get. Its nothing special, but, it does what it does what it sets out to do"
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Changes in the last version:
support Skype 3.8
fixed many bugs

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