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eMule 0.49b Beta 1

15/07/2008, 01:41, Author: denzab

The new version of P2P-client eMule has been released. In this release, made several improvements to the protocol Kad, fixed the problems of security, improved interface, improved implementation of UPnP.

eMule can conveniently exchange files in the widely popular network resources eDonkey2000. The program is the oldest client for this network (corporate client exists under pressure of the authorities, who did not like the dominance of illegal content on the network). Supports 3 networks: eDonkey2000, Source Exchange and Kad.

The network works on the principle sharing of resources for universal access. Each user provides a number of files which wants to share with the society.

Download (3.17 MB - Open Source)

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uTorrent 1.8 Beta

27/03/2008, 01:35, Author: denzab

After nearly forty alpha versions released the first beta version of the popular P2P client uTorrent (μ Torrent) 1.8.

uTorrent is a very small size distribution.  251 KB in total that.. If the above argument in fact, has no special significance, the comfortable, thoughtful and very nice interface will be a far more compelling argument for uTorrent. Of course, all necessary functions supported.

This client for the BitTorrent P2P networks became so successful that it recently acquired by a company whose own BitTorrent client (corporate client network) . It was believed that after the purchase of a project uTorrent will be terminated, but as you can see, this has not happened. The program develops, as in the past.
file exchange, download

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BitComet 0.97

12/12/2007, 00:50, Author: denzab

The new version of the BitComet software hass been released . It's a Client for Peer 2 Peer network BitTorrent. The program has a convenient interface and has a number of useful options, including: downloadable video viewing, support for DHT, search of several major portals, statistics.

Some time ago, the program had problems with some trackers. This problem has been solved.

Download: BitComet 0.97 4.76 MБ

file exchange, P2P, download, P2P client

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03/12/2007, 05:30, Author: denzab

The final release of the popular P2P- customer Shareaza

This client is working on P2P- networks,like BitTorrent, eDonkey2000, Gnutella and its own network program Gnutella2. The program is convenient, stable and distributed based on an open source code. The program supports skins and plugins. There is a built-in media player capablility.

Download Shareaza (5 MB - Open Source)

p2p, Shareaza, file exchange

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