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Youda Mystery: The Stanwick Legacy Youda Mystery: The Stanwick Legacy Add file to the favorites

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 File name: YoudaMysteryTheStanwickLegacy.exe Find similar »
 Size: 902 784 bytes (881.62 KB)
 Added: 31/05/2016 | Downloaded: 10/12/2018
 Updated: 08/07/2018
 12 total downloads »
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After her parents mysteriously deceased when she was still a little child, her grandfather sent Emma Stanwick to a boarding school.

Stanwick Manor, once a beautiful house and Emma’s home, is now abandoned and empty. The manor has been in the family for ages.

Emma’s great-grandfather also lived here before she was born. She recalls her grandfather telling her that he was an inventor of some sorts: “A bit of a mysterious man.”

Recently her granddad died and she, being the last heir, inherits the manor. With mixed feelings about it all, she goes back to her old home to find out if there is still any secret to reveal. Did her granddad tell the full story?

When her taxi approaches the house there is a strange light glowing through the windows. As Emma enters the mysterious manor she hears a strange heartbeat like sound. What’s going on?

During her search, Emma discovers that nothing is what it seems to be. Why is the fireplace lit? What is the purpose of the strange piping, running through the house? Why do some of the paintings move and what makes that heartbeat like sound?

Emma’s memories of living in the manor make it possible to open secret locks and lead her further into the house, revealing more and more secrets….

Did grandfather leave enough clues for Emma to reveal the real Stanwick Legacy and will she be clever enough to do the right thing?

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