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Sothink Tree Menu 2.3 Add file to the favorites

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 Size: 9 293 662 bytes (8.86 MB)
 Added: 03/06/2007 | Downloaded: 08/04/2013
 Updated: 23/07/2012
 96 total downloads »
Create tree menu easily with Sothink Tree Menu. Sothink Tree Menu can be compatible with most of browsers, such as IE 7, Opera 9 and Firefox 2 and support Windows Vista. It can work within Dreamweaver, Expression Web, FrontPage and Golive seamlessly as add-ins. It can generates search-engine-friendly sitemaps by using Search Engine Friendly Code Maker and Google XML Sitemap. The tree menu's contents or website's links can be found by the crawlers from search engine without difficulty, and then they will list your website on the top of the searched result, which gives your web site more discovery chances. It can create the dynamic database-driven tree menus by ASP, PHP, JSP, ASP.NET, ColdFusion, etc. The Navigation Structure Generator can generate tree menu based on web site structure and link relationship. Thousands of nodes with unlimited levels are in a navigation tree menu, and the number of tree menu in one page is not limited. Because of the amazingly large source of different font, color, style and background in the program, each node can have its own style. Support inputting HTML code. You can copy the relevant codes into the web page, and control expanding or collapsing its sub tree in the web page. The nodes can be expanded, collapsed or disabled. The guide line can be displayed or not. You can keep viewing record in the tree menu when closing the browser, and continue surfing process next time. The current page in use can be auto-highlighted in your tree menu navigation. When operating, you can modify the tree menu's properties easily in the visual interface and view the modification in the preview window instantly. The multiple nodes can be added into the tree menu at the same time. Drop-down menu can be switched to tree-like menu. You can start, beautify, design and publish the tree menu by using built-in templates, image library, group library, intuitive interface, and Publish Wizard. With Sothink Tree Menu, create a super tree menu easily!
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Changes in the last version:
* Upgrade plug-ins from 2.6 to 3.0 for Dreamweaver, from 2.7 to. 3.1 for FrontPage, from 1.6 to 2.0 for Golive and from 1.0 to. 1.6 for Expression Web. * Add Group Library to include a group of graphic for button and. line conveniently from the program. * Add 5 new built-in templates. * Support W3C Valid XHTML 1.0. * Add an option in dialog "Options > General" to save *.stm. file without copying resources. * Import the DHTML menu (*.pgt files of V7.x+) in Tree M

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