STOIK Smart Resizer 1.0  |
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Added: 19/11/2006
| Downloaded: 20/07/2008
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This program offers you various methods to resize digital photos including new STOIK Smart Resize algorithm which allows to enlarge digital images up to 1000% without loss of visual sharpness. You will find it useful for multiple tasks – from quality zooming to increasing resolution of digital photos to creation of good-looking photo thumbnails.
To increase resolution of digital photo one needs to add pixels to those registered by camera or scanner CCD. Color values in newly added pixels are calculated by interpolating values of adjacent pixels in original photo. The quality of resizing depends on the algorithm used for interpolation, and with all conventional interpolation methods such as bilinear or bicubic, the interpolation results in blurred image. This program offers in addition to standard methods new Smart Resize algorithm developed by STOIK Imaging. This algorithm makes intelligent zooming possible through analysis of picture content for natural textures, contours, and line art, and application of adapted interpolation methods for specific areas. The result is the ability to enlarge digital images without loss of visual sharpness.
One particular important implementation of the new algorithm is enlargement of cameraphone photos and photos taken with sub-megapixel cameras for resolution sufficient for quality prints. The algorithm also allows for creation of smart thumbnails – small copies of originals which could be effectively restored to original resolution with simple interpolation. Detailed description »
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