Lottery Cracker World 7 
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lcw7.zip Find similar
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(3.47 MB)
Added: 20/01/2009
| Downloaded: 09/08/2012
Updated: 29/09/2010 |
18 total downloads »
Lottery Cracker World analyses lottery draw numbers for patterns and displays the results in graphs and charts. It has a wide range of methods for generating and filtering lottery entries, including dozens of wheels, hot and cold numbers, key numbers, averages and many more. Create multiple syndicates and track payments, members, costs and winnings. Calculates lottery entries based on astrology and numerology too. Wheeling systems enable you to effectively cover a selection of numbers. Browse lottery draw results. Discover the most common numbers and chart odd:even ratios in draw results. Calculate averages, ranges and sums of lottery draw results. Analyse results for trends and display number statistics. Calculate numbers unique to you based on numerology using your name and birth date. Calculate your personal lottery entry based on your star sign and the date. Easy-to-update lottery draw databases. Store your lottery entries and automatically check them to see if you have won. No need to waste time and effort filling in lottery entry slips, just put them in the printer and click a button to print them (compatible printer required). Use filters to remove bad lottery entries, analyse your biorhythms to estimate your level of luck so you can choose the best days to play the lottery. Detailed description »
Changes in the last version:
Works with worldwide lotteries
File location: http://www.rawcomputing.co.uk
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