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Hidden Administrator Hidden Administrator 2.2 Add file to the favorites

Category: Archives
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 Size: 2 023 832 bytes (1.93 MB)
 Added: 15/08/2007 | Downloaded: 04/03/2011
 Updated: 15/05/2010
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Look at screenshot of Hidden AdministratorHidden Administrator - remote system administration made easy for everyone.

Remember the last time when you spent about 30 minutes on the phone trying to explain your mother-in-law how to set an Internet connection when she bought that new laptop? The problem was solved, but there are many more waiting for you in the future, as your mother-in-law will never get a master's in science. Why don't you get ready for this well in advance? If you would like to be able to remotely manage other computers and see their system as if you were sitting in front of them, go ahead and try Hidden Administrator - it does that and much, much more!

Hidden Administrator gives you full access to the resources of remote systems, allows you to remotely install the server part of the solution, spy on other systems on the network (which will be especially useful for system administrators or business owners that want to make sure their employees are really doing what they are supposed to), exchange files, view the Internet Explorer browsing history, capture sound over the LAN, chat with remote systems, work with registries of remote systems, launch applications, work with a remote clipboard, fetch system information, use a remote printer and so forth. Hidden Administrator can monitor up to 256 computers at the same time and you can actually see the screens of several remote systems being monitored and updated at the same time! The software supports Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista, has a highly intuitive user interface and supports data encryption for ultimate security and privacy.

Get yourself a copy of Hidden Administrator to seize full control over your network, to help your friends and family troubleshoot their computer problems and monitor your employees' activities - and do it all from anywhere in world!
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Changes in the last version:
Multi-Screen mode, launched applications and visited sites monitoring

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