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Deluxe Tabs Deluxe Tabs 3.15 Add file to the favorites

Category: Archives
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 Size: 5 630 684 bytes (5.37 MB)
 Added: 31/10/2007 | Downloaded: 29/08/2016
 Updated: 03/05/2012
 74 total downloads »
Look at screenshot of Deluxe TabsImprove your website navigation with the most powerful JavaScript Menu on the Web! Deluxe Tabs is a versatile, ready-made solution that allows professional and amateur web developers to create superior dhtml navigation systems for their web sites and web applications. If you have a large volume of data and your page needs to be scrolled down too much - Deluxe Tabs is your choice! Just divide the information and distribute it among the tabs so that your visitors could reach the next piece of information with one single click. No more uncomfortable reading with scrolling! Various types of data can be placed on one page. So, your visitors need no more reload a large number of pages to find the information they want. All the information is parted and structured. You are free to create tabs containing text, images and practically all kinds of information in various combinations. You may also create any desirable design inside the tab with HTML. And you can add as many tabs as you wish! You can create text-based tabs, image-based tabs or both together or any others according to your imagination only. Besides, use HTML formatting of what is in the tab to create your own design. This Javascipt Menu/ DHTML Menu supports special effects, floating, relative and absolute positions, animated icons and arrows, normal state, mouseover state, pressed state, unlimited submenus, separators, lines and more. Create a cross-browser, search engine friendly, fast-loading web interface of any desired complexity and appearance. You don't need any in-depth knowledge of HTML or Javascript to develop web menus with Deluxe Tabs. By simply changing a menu parameter file, you can create any navigation system in minutes. Deluxe Tabs comes with many templates. Deluxe Tabs comes with an easy-to-use GUI wizard Deluxe Tuner that allows you to generate and test the menu in just a few mouse clicks.
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Changes in the last version:
1. Since v.3.15, Deluxe Menu is fully accessible even if Javascript is disabled in browser.
2. 5 new cross-browser visual effects for submenu appearance.
3. Compatibility with CSS Menu and Deluxe Menu is improved.
4. New parameters.
5. 42 new great menu templates.

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