Belkasoft Forensic IM Extractor 3.01  |
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Added: 09/10/2007
| Downloaded: 19/04/2012
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Tool for e-crime/forensic professionals that eases their work on analysing Internet Messengers histories. No password required. Supports various IMs: ICQ versions 99a up to ICQ5, MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, &RQ, Miranda. Supports deep ICQ analysis using different methods (with and without usage of index file) that allows user to extract even deleted and overwritten messages. The latter ability is indispensable for e-crime professionals.
Belkasoft Forensic IM Extractor allows you to extract your IM history into such formats as plain text, HTML and XML. It is possible to select the time period of interest, generate history for chosen contacts only, filter sent or received messages. It is possible to extract history broken by contacts, and use command line for extraction. Multibyte codepages (like Chinese) are supported. History Converter to ICQ5 history format is built-in. You can split histories by conversation sessions using xsl file included into the package. Detailed description »
File location: http://belkasoft.com
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